Introduction G4Cloud News Papers



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Cloud Computing News!


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G4Cloud introduces two newspapers a daily version and a weekly version. Both represent the latest news about Cloud Computing, SaaS, Data Analytics/Migration, Security, Compliancy and Information Banking.

Subscripe page:


See snapshot below of the weekly news version.

To read the full version goto:



Will Legal Challenges Keep Banks From Using Cloud Computing?




"Will Legal Challenges Keep Banks


Using Cloud Computing?"



Financial Services


Topics which are highlighted:

Data Security

Data Sovereignty

Auditing Requirements

Customer Liability


    But at the end can be concluded:


1. Cloud Computing has better security.


2. It has more storage space as their data needs continue to increase.


3. Financial Institutions will find it is eassier to use the cloud to mine data

to improve the quality of services for their customers.


Read full article here!